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176 Trustpilot reviews




Wrike Project Management Software Review: A Versatile Solution for Diverse Project Needs


Wrike is a leading name in project management software, offering a comprehensive suite of tools designed to streamline workflows and enhance team collaboration. With its robust features and user-friendly interface, Wrike project management software caters to organizations of all sizes, from small businesses to large enterprises. As companies continue to evolve, the need for efficient project management solutions has never been greater, and Wrike stands out as a versatile and powerful option.


One of the most reassuring aspects of Wrike is its adaptability to various industries and project types. Whether you are managing a marketing campaign, a product launch, or a complex IT project, Wrike project management tools provide the flexibility and customization needed to keep projects on track and within budget. The platform’s intuitive design and extensive feature set make it an ideal choice for novice and experienced project managers, instilling confidence in its versatility.


In this Wrike review, we will delve into the key features and functionality of Wrike project management software, discuss its pros and cons, explore its pricing plans, and highlight the top use cases where Wrike excels.

Wrike Features and Functionality

Wrike project management software boasts many features to enhance productivity and streamline project workflows. These features cater to diverse project management needs, ensuring teams can collaborate effectively and achieve their goals. 

Project Management Software

Here are some of the key features and functionalities of Wrike:


  • Task management: Create, assign, and track tasks with ease. Wrike offers detailed task descriptions, due dates, and priority settings to ensure everyone stays on the same page.
  • Gantt charts: Interactive Gantt charts visualize project timelines and dependencies. This feature helps plan and adjust schedules efficiently.
  • Time tracking: Monitor time spent on tasks and projects to improve productivity and ensure accurate client billing.
  • File sharing and collaboration: Share files and collaborate in real time. Wrike integrates with popular cloud storage services like Google Drive and Dropbox for seamless file management.
  • Custom workflows: Customize workflows to match your team’s processes. Wrike allows you to create unique project workflows with custom statuses and automation rules.
  • Dashboards and reporting: Generate detailed reports and create custom dashboards to track project progress and performance metrics.
  • Resource management: Allocate and manage resources effectively. Wrike helps balance workloads and ensure optimal resource utilization.
  • Integrations: Connect Wrike with other tools your team uses, such as Slack, Salesforce, and Microsoft Teams, to streamline communication and data sharing.
  • Mobile app: Wrike’s mobile app for iOS and Android devices allows you to stay connected and manage projects on the go.

Wrike Pros and Cons

Every project management software has strengths and weaknesses. To provide a balanced perspective, let’s examine the pros and cons of Wrike below:


  • Versatile and customizable: The software is highly adaptable, allowing users to customize workflows, dashboards, and templates to fit their needs.
  • Robust collaboration tools: Real-time collaboration features like comments, @mentions, and file sharing make team communication seamless.
  • Comprehensive project tracking: With features like Gantt charts and time tracking, Wrike enables detailed project planning and monitoring.
  • Beginner-friendly interface: Wrike is known for its intuitive and easy-to-navigate interface, which reduces the learning curve for new users.
  • Integration capabilities: Wrike integrates with various third-party applications, enhancing its functionality and creating a more cohesive workflow.
  • Strong reporting and analytics: The ability to generate in-depth reports and analyze project data helps teams make informed decisions and improve performance.


  • Pricing: One notable downside is the Wrike pricing, which can be higher, especially for smaller teams or startups.
  • Complexity for new users: Despite its user-friendly design, the vast array of features can overwhelm new users and require adjustment.
  • Mobile app limitations: While Wrike offers a mobile app, it lacks some functionality on the desktop version, limiting its usefulness for on-the-go project management.

Pricing Plans for Wrike

Wrike caters to teams of all sizes with a tiered pricing structure offering five plans: Free, Team, Business, Enterprise, and Pinnacle. Each plan unlocks a progressive range of features to suit different project management needs.


The Free plan is ideal for freelancers or small teams of up to five users. While it offers core functionalities like task lists and shared team boards, it has limitations on features and storage. It is a good starting point for getting acquainted with Wrike’s interface and basic project management tools.


Starting at $9.80 per user per month, the Team plan suits growing teams seeking more organization and collaboration. It builds upon the Free plan by providing workload management, shared team folders, and real-time collaboration features. This plan empowers teams to streamline workflows, improve communication, and gain better visibility into project progress.


At $24.80 for each user monthly, the Business plan caters to teams requiring advanced project management functionalities. It includes everything in the Team plan and features like custom reports, workload forecasting, resource management, and time tracking. This plan is ideal for teams needing to delve deeper into project analytics, optimize resource allocation, and gain comprehensive insights into project performance.


Customized pricing is available for the Enterprise plan, designed for large organizations with complex project management requirements. This plan offers all the Business plan features with additional layers of security, dedicated customer support, and enterprise-grade scalability. It caters to organizations with a large user base and the need for robust security measures and tailored solutions.


Lastly, Wrike’s Pinnacle plan offers a highly customized solution for large organizations with specialized project management needs. Pricing for this plan is also not publicly available and requires contacting Wrike’s sales team for a personalized quote. This plan likely includes features beyond the Enterprise plan and dedicated account management and support to ensure seamless Wrike integration within the organization’s workflow.


Wrike’s pricing plans are competitive with other project management software options. The Free plan is a good option for small teams or individuals who need a basic task management tool. The Team plan is a good value for small teams who need more functionality. The business plan is a good option for teams that need more robust project management features. The Enterprise plan is a good option for large organizations with complex project management needs.

Top Use Cases for Wrike

Wrike project management software is versatile and can be applied across various industries and project types. Here are some of the top use cases where Wrike excels:


  • Marketing campaigns: Plan, execute, and track marketing campaigns with ease. Wrike helps marketing teams manage content calendars, coordinate with creative teams, and measure campaign performance.
  • Product development: Manage the entire product lifecycle from ideation to launch. Wrike facilitates collaboration between development, design, and marketing teams, ensuring timely product releases.
  • IT projects: Oversee complex projects, including software development and infrastructure upgrades. Wrike provides tools for tracking progress, managing resources, and ensuring compliance with project requirements.
  • Event planning: Coordinate all aspects of event planning, from logistics to marketing. Wrike helps event planners keep track of tasks, deadlines, and vendor communications.
  • Human resources: Streamline HR processes such as onboarding, training, and performance evaluations. Wrike assists HR teams in managing workflows and maintaining compliance with organizational policies.
  • Consulting projects: Wrike enhances project delivery for consulting firms by managing client engagements, tracking billable hours, and generating detailed reports. It ensures consultants can deliver projects on time and within budget.

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  • Boasts a user-friendly interface that allows users to tailor workflows to their specific needs, enhancing efficiency and organization.
  • Integrates seamlessly with popular tools like Google Drive, Slack, and GitHub, enhancing workflow efficiency and communication.
  • Offers a comprehensive feature set, including customizable views, automation, and integrations, catering to diverse project needs, from small teams to large enterprises.
