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Product Review


276 Trustpilot reviews




ClickUp Review: Boosting Work Efficiency & Customer Interactions


ClickUp is not a traditional customer relationship management system (CRM) but offers surprising capabilities for managing customer interactions. It is a compelling alternative for businesses seeking an all-in-one project management platform with robust CRM capabilities.


As ClickUp integrates seamlessly with various dedicated CRM software options, it allows you to build a customized solution for your specific needs. Its comprehensive features let you streamline your workflows, boost collaboration, and keep your customer relationships on track.


This ClickUp CRM review will explore how the system’s features can be leveraged as a CRM tool and help you determine if it’s the right fit for your business.

ClickUp Features and Functionality

ClickUp goes beyond basic task management. It boasts an extensive array of features designed to simplify customer relationship management tasks and enhance productivity.


Here’s a glimpse of what ClickUp brings to the table:


  • Task management: Assign tasks efficiently with customizable lists, statuses, and priorities and track workload for team members across sales, customer support, and account management functions.
  • Communication tools: Collaborate seamlessly with team members through comments, chat, mentions, and real-time notifications.
  • Document management: Store and share files securely within the platform for easy access and version control.
  • Time tracking: Monitor project progress, billable hours, and team productivity with built-in time tracking tools and reporting.
  • Integration capabilities: Integrate ClickUp with popular apps and tools such as Google Drive, Slack, and Zapier for enhanced functionality.
  • Customizable CRM fields: Create custom fields specifically for customer data, such as purchase history, communication preferences, and support ticket priority.
  • Automation: Automate repetitive CRM tasks like sending follow-up emails after a demo or updating customer records based on specific actions.

ClickUp Pros and Cons

ClickUp is a powerful tool, but it’s not without its limitations. Let’s weigh the pros and cons to help you make an informed decision.


  • Versatility: ClickUp’s flexible design allows it to adapt to various industries, workflows, and project management methodologies, making it suitable for diverse businesses.
  • Free plan with CRM potential: The ClickUp Free Forever plan offers features like custom fields and basic automation, making it suitable for small teams or those starting with basic CRM functionalities.
  • Mobile accessibility: The ClickUp mobile app allows you to manage customer interactions and access key information on the go.
  • Highly customizable CRM: ClickUp’s biggest strength lies in its unparalleled level of customization. You can create custom fields specifically for customer data, tailor workflows to fit your sales cycle, and design automation to streamline repetitive tasks.
  • Consolidated platform: ClickUp eliminates the need for multiple tools. Manage projects, tasks, and customer interactions all in one place, fostering better organization, streamlining workflows, and improving team communication regarding customers.
  • Enhanced collaboration: ClickUp’s collaborative features like real-time chat, threaded comments, and document sharing make it easy for teams to work together effectively on customer-related tasks.


  • Limited reporting for in-depth CRM analytics: ClickUp’s built-in reporting features are somewhat basic for in-depth customer data analysis. Integrating with external reporting tools might be necessary if you require advanced customer insights.
  • Steep learning curve: The platform’s numerous features can be overwhelming for new users, especially those solely focused on CRM functionalities. It might take some time to get comfortable with navigating ClickUp for your specific CRM needs.
  • Mobile app limitations: While ClickUp offers a mobile app for on-the-go access, some users may find that certain features are not as fully developed or intuitive compared to the desktop version, potentially limiting functionality and efficiency when working remotely or away from the office.

Pricing Plans for ClickUp

ClickUp offers a tiered pricing structure to accommodate different team sizes and needs. For individual users or small teams just dipping their toes into CRM functionalities, the Free Forever plan offers a compelling starting point. It allows for an unlimited number of users and tasks, making it a cost-effective way to get familiar with the platform. However, it’s important to note that features like custom fields, automation, and advanced reporting are limited in this free tier.


If your team requires more flexibility and functionality for managing customer interactions, the Unlimited plan steps in at $5 per user per month. This plan removes some of the limitations of the Free Forever plan by offering features like unlimited storage, custom fields, and integrations. This option is a good fit for teams who need a more robust CRM foundation.


For mid-sized teams seeking even greater control and organization over their customer workflows, the Business plan comes in at $12 for each user monthly. It includes all the features of the Unlimited plan, with additional functionalities like advanced team management, time tracking, and workload management. This plan caters to teams who require a more comprehensive solution for managing customer interactions alongside other project management needs.


Finally, ClickUp offers a custom Enterprise plan designed for large teams and businesses. Since pricing for this plan is not publicly available, you will need to contact ClickUp’s sales team for a quote. The Enterprise plan likely includes additional features and security options to address the specific needs of larger organizations.

Top Use Cases for ClickUp

ClickUp CRM caters to a wide range of use cases across various industries. Here are some of the top scenarios where ClickUp excels:


  • Remote work: Facilitate remote collaboration and communication with ClickUp’s cloud-based platform, accessible from anywhere with an Internet connection.
  • Project management: Streamline project workflows and collaboration with ClickUp’s comprehensive project management tools.
  • Customer onboarding: Create automated onboarding workflows within ClickUp to streamline the process of welcoming new customers and ensuring a smooth experience. This can include assigning tasks, scheduling calls, and sending automated welcome emails.
  • Sales pipeline management: Track leads, manage contacts, and nurture relationships effectively with ClickUp’s CRM features.
  • Marketing campaigns: Plan, execute, and track marketing campaigns seamlessly with ClickUp’s integrated marketing tools.
  • Customer support: Provide exceptional customer support with ClickUp’s help desk features, including ticket management and knowledge base integration.
  • Account management: Keep track of key customer accounts within ClickUp. Create custom fields to store important account information, manage communication logs with threaded comments, and schedule follow-ups with reminders and notifications.

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  • Adapts deal stages, adds custom fields, and manages multiple pipelines to match your unique sales cycle perfectly.
  • Centralizes client communication by integrating email and activity tracking, keeping everyone on the same page.
  • Automates actions like lead assignment, reminder setting, and deal forecasting, saving valuable time.



  • Offers a user-friendly interface that simplifies communication and marketing automation for small to medium-sized businesses.
  • Boasts a robust suite of features, including email marketing, SMS marketing, and pipeline management, all integrated into a single platform.
  • Provides extensive support and training resources to ensure seamless adoption and maximum utilization of its platform.
