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Essential Accounting Software Services for Your Business

As a small business owner, you juggle numerous responsibilities. Your role spans marketing, sales, product development, and customer service, keeping you constantly engaged and your schedule packed. However, one crucial aspect often gets relegated to the back burner: managing your finances. Here is where small business accounting software comes in.


By automating tedious tasks like income and expense tracking, accounts receivable management, and sales tax calculations, accounting software for small businesses frees up your valuable time and empowers you to make informed financial decisions. However, with many options available, choosing the best accounting software can feel overwhelming.


Here, we explore the top four small business accounting software solutions—Melio, Striven, Oracle Netsuite, and Zoho Books—which highlight their strengths and weaknesses to help you find the perfect fit for your needs. Also, these tools not only simplify accounting tasks but also enhance overall business efficiency.


Melio is an innovative small business accounting software solution that simplifies payments and financial management for small businesses. It stands out with its focus on accounts payable and receivable.


Key Features:


  • Free accounting software: Melio offers a free version, an excellent option for small businesses looking to minimize costs.


  • Accounts payable and receivable: Melio excels in managing accounts receivable and accounts payable, making it easy to track who owes you money and whom you owe.


  • Online payments: The platform supports online payments, ensuring quick and easy transactions.


  • Recurring invoices: Businesses can set up recurring invoices, saving time and ensuring consistent billing.


  • Send unlimited invoices: Melio allows users to send unlimited invoices, which is perfect for businesses with a high volume of transactions.


  • Automatic payment reminders: This feature ensures that clients are reminded of due payments, improving cash flow.




  • Free bookkeeping software: Melio’s free plan provides essential features without cost, making it accessible for startups and small businesses.
  • Bank accounts integration: Seamless integration with bank accounts for easy reconciliation and tracking.
  • Send invoices: Melio simplifies invoicing, enabling businesses to create and send invoices quickly.




  • Limited inventory management features make it less ideal for businesses with significant inventory needs.
  • Not as comprehensive in financial reporting as some other accounting software.


Melio is best suited for small businesses that need efficient payment processing and straightforward accounting features without the complexity of more comprehensive systems.

Striven is an all-in-one small business accounting software that combines accounting, project management, and CRM features. It is designed to streamline business operations and improve efficiency.


Key Features:


  • Income and expense tracking: Striven offers robust tools for tracking income and expenses, ensuring accurate financial records.


  • Inventory management: The software includes inventory tracking features, making it suitable for businesses with physical products.


  • Accounts payable and receivable: Striven simplifies the management of accounts payable and accounts receivable, improving cash flow.


  • Recurring invoices: Businesses can set up recurring invoices, ensuring timely and consistent billing.


  • Project management tools: The software includes comprehensive tools that enhance project tracking and profitability.


  • Tax compliance: Striven supports tax calculations and compliance, easing the burden of tax season.




  • Customer portal: The feature lets clients view their transactions and make payments online.
  • Bank transactions: Integration with bank accounts for seamless tracking and reconciliation.
  • Financial reporting: Striven offers detailed financial reporting, aiding decision-making and strategy planning.




  • Higher cost compared to some other options, which might not be ideal for small businesses.
  • The wide range of features may overwhelm businesses that only need basic accounting features.


Striven best suits small businesses looking for a comprehensive solution that integrates accounting with other critical business functions like project management and CRM.


Oracle Netsuite is robust accounting software for growing businesses that need advanced accounting features and scalability. It is highly regarded for its comprehensive capabilities and flexibility.


Key Features:


  • Core accounting capabilities: Netsuite offers a complete set of core accounting capabilities, including accounts payable, accounts receivable, and financial reporting.


  • Inventory management: This feature allows businesses to manage inventory effectively, ensuring optimal stock levels.


  • Project management tools: Netsuite includes project tracking and management tools, making it ideal for service-based businesses.


  • Tax compliance: The software supports tax calculations and compliance, making tax season less stressful.


  • Double-entry accounting software: Netsuite uses double-entry accounting, ensuring accuracy and compliance with accounting standards.


  • Business reports: The platform provides comprehensive business reports, including profit and loss statements and balance sheet summaries, that help make informed decisions.




  • Unlimited invoices: Businesses can send unlimited invoices, accommodating high transaction volumes.
  • Additional users: Netsuite allows for the addition of multiple users, which is beneficial for growing teams.
  • Financial documents: The software supports comprehensive financial document management, enhancing organization and compliance.
  • Accountant access: The platform allows easy accountant access, facilitating smooth collaboration with financial advisors.




  • Higher costs than other small business accounting tools might hinder small businesses.
  • Steeper learning curve due to its advanced features and capabilities.


Oracle Netsuite is ideal for small businesses poised for growth and needing a scalable, full-featured accounting software solution with advanced accounting features and comprehensive reporting.


Zoho Books is a comprehensive accounting software for small businesses known for its intuitive interface and powerful features. It caters to various accounting needs, making it a favorite among small business owners.


Key Features:


  • Income and expense tracking: Zoho Books offers excellent capabilities for tracking income and expenses, which is vital for maintaining accurate financial records.


  • Inventory management: This feature allows businesses to keep track of inventory levels, making it ideal for those who deal with physical products.


  • Automatic payment reminders: Zoho Books can send automatic reminders to clients for due payments, ensuring a steady cash flow.


  • Bank transactions: Integration with bank accounts allows for easy reconciliation of bank statements and tracking of bank transactions.


  • Customer portal: The feature lets clients view their transactions and make payments online.


  • Send invoices: With Zoho Books, businesses can effortlessly create and send professional invoices.




  • Free plan: Zoho Books offers a free plan for small businesses, making it accessible to startups.
  • Mobile apps: The app allows you to manage finances on the go, ensuring you always stay connected with your business.
  • Project tracking: Zoho Books includes project management tools that help track project profitability and expenses.




  • Limited third-party integrations compared to other full-featured accounting software.
  • The free plan has limited features, which may not be sufficient for growing businesses.


Zoho Books is ideal for small businesses looking for an affordable yet powerful accounting app that offers essential core accounting capabilities and project management tools.


The Future of Accounting Software

As technology advances, small business accounting software continues to evolve, offering even more powerful features and capabilities. Here are some trends to watch for in the coming years:

Artificial Intelligence

AI-powered features will enhance automation, providing smarter insights. This will significantly reduce manual tasks and improve overall efficiency.



This technology will improve security and transparency in financial transactions and ensure data integrity across all accounting activities.


Cloud-Based Solutions

More businesses will adopt online accounting software for its flexibility. Real-time data access will become a standard feature, enhancing decision-making processes.


Integration with Other Business Tools

Seamless integration with project management, CRM, and other business tools will become standard. This will allow for a more cohesive and streamlined business operation.


Enhanced Mobile Capabilities

As mobile usage increases, accounting software providers will continue to improve their mobile apps. Better usability and functionality will allow business owners to manage finances on the go.


Invest in the Best Accounting Software Today

Choosing the right small business accounting software can significantly impact your business’s efficiency and financial health. Zoho Books, Melio, Oracle Netsuite, and Striven each offer unique accounting features and benefits tailored to various business needs. Whether you are looking for the best free accounting software, advanced project management tools, or comprehensive financial reporting, there is a solution to fit your requirements. Investing in the right accounting software will help you maintain accurate financial records, ensure tax compliance, and ultimately contribute to your business’s success.


By carefully evaluating your business’s specific needs and considering each software’s key features and benefits, you can choose the best small business accounting software to support your business’s growth and success.


Managing finances can be a challenge for small business owners. Between juggling customer demands, managing inventory, and ensuring smooth operations, the last thing you need is the added stress of a messy accounting system. That’s where the magic of accounting tools comes in.


In today’s digital age, many accounting software applications are designed to streamline your financial processes and empower you with valuable insights. But with so many options on the market, choosing the best accounting tools for your specific needs can feel overwhelming. This comprehensive guide will walk you through the top contenders in 2024, helping you find the perfect fit to conquer the financial chaos and propel your small business forward.


Understanding Your Needs: The Foundation for Success

It is crucial to understand your unique business needs. Do you require a robust system for managing complex inventory, or is a simple solution for tracking income and expenses sufficient? Do you have a team of employees requiring payroll integration, or are you a sole proprietor juggling finances independently? By pinpointing your specific needs, you will be well-equipped to choose the accounting software that provides the most value for your business.

The Top Contenders in the Accounting Tool Arena

Now, let us explore some of the leading accounting tools available for small businesses in 2024:

Zoho Books is one of small businesses’ most comprehensive accounting software applications. It offers a robust set of features that cater to the diverse needs of small business owners.


Additionally, Zoho Books provides various accounting features that help manage every aspect of a business’s finances. It supports inventory management, expense management, and cash flow tracking, making it ideal for small business owners who need to monitor their finances closely. The software’s customer management capabilities allow businesses to handle customer payments and generate professional invoices efficiently.


One of the standout features of Zoho Books is its ability to integrate seamlessly with various other applications, enhancing the overall efficiency of business operations. It supports multiple bank accounts, which is essential for accurate cash management. Additionally, Zoho Books offers advanced features like time tracking, making it easier to bill clients accurately.


While Zoho Books is a powerful tool, it has some limitations. The starter plan offers limited integrations, which may not be sufficient for businesses with complex needs. While feature-rich, it might be overwhelming for sole proprietors or tiny companies with simple accounting processes.

Melio is another top contender in accounting software. It is mainly known for its simplicity and effectiveness in handling accounts payable and online payments.


Also, Melio excels in vendor management and facilitating customer payments. Its primary function is to streamline accounts payable, making it easier for small business owners to manage their cash flow. It also integrates with other accounting software applications, ensuring your accounting process is smooth and efficient.


One of Melio’s most significant advantages is its ease of use. It eliminates the need for manually entering data, thus reducing the chances of errors. Melio also supports professional accountant access, enabling seamless collaboration with financial advisors. Furthermore, the ability to accept payments via multiple methods, including ACH and credit cards, provides flexibility to small businesses.


Despite its benefits, Melio has its limitations. The software lacks some of the more advanced features in comprehensive accounting software like Zoho Books or Oracle Netsuite. Additionally, Melio may not be the best fit for businesses that require extensive inventory management or detailed financial reports.


Oracle Netsuite is a highly acclaimed accounting tool known for its scalability and extensive feature set, making it suitable for businesses of all sizes, including small businesses. For those managing complex finances, NetSuite offers a robust solution that seamlessly integrates with your existing financial ecosystem, including your bank account.


Furthermore, Oracle Netsuite offers a full suite of accounting features, including general ledger, financial statements, payroll software, and expense management. It also excels in inventory accounting, providing comprehensive tools for tracking and managing inventory.


Oracle Netsuite’s primary advantage is its scalability. It is designed to grow with your business, making it an excellent long-term investment for small business owners. The software’s integration capabilities are unmatched, allowing businesses to connect with numerous financial institutions and other business applications. Oracle Netsuite also offers detailed financial reports crucial for informed decision-making.


However, Oracle Netsuite can be complex to set up and use, particularly for businesses without a dedicated professional accountant. The software’s extensive feature set might be overkill for sole proprietors or tiny businesses with limited cash flow. Additionally, the cost can be prohibitive for companies on a tight budget.

Striven is a comprehensive accounting software solution that simplifies and enhances small businesses’ accounting processes. It combines various business management tools into one platform, making it versatile.


Moreover, Striven offers a range of accounting features, including financial statements, inventory management, cash flow tracking, and customer management. It also supports time tracking and document management, ensuring that all aspects of your accounting process are covered.


One of Striven’s significant benefits is its all-in-one approach. Integrating various accounting and bookkeeping tools into one platform simplifies business operations and reduces the need for multiple software subscriptions. Striven also offers a mobile device application that allows business owners to manage their finances.


The primary drawback of Striven is that it might offer a different depth of features than some of the more specialized accounting software applications. Additionally, while it integrates well within its ecosystem, Striven has limited integrations with external applications, which could be a limitation for some businesses.


Choosing the Perfect Fit: Key Factors to Consider

Here are some crucial aspects to evaluate while searching for the best accounting tools for your small business:


  • Features vs. Needs: Do not get overwhelmed by fancy bells and whistles. Prioritize features that directly address your business needs.


  • Ease of Use: An intuitive user interface makes navigating your accounting software a breeze, even for those unfamiliar with accounting concepts.


  • Mobile Accessibility: In today’s fast-paced world, managing your finances on the go is essential. Look for software with a robust mobile app.


  • Scalability: Consider your business growth trajectory. Choose software that can scale alongside your business needs, offering advanced features when needed.


  • Integrations: Seamless integration with existing business tools like your CRM or payroll software can significantly streamline your workflows.


  • Pricing: Pricing structures vary greatly. Choose a plan that fits your budget and offers the features you require.

Take Control of Your Finances with the Best Accounting Tools

When choosing the best accounting software for your business, consider your specific needs, budget, and the complexity of your accounting processes. With the right accounting tool, small business owners can manage their finances more efficiently, leading to better decision-making and long-term success.


In 2024, the best accounting tools will continue to evolve, offering more features and integrations to help small businesses thrive. Whether you need robust inventory management, seamless vendor management, or detailed financial reports, there is an accounting software that will meet your needs and help you achieve your business goals.


By leveraging the right accounting tools, small business owners can ensure accurate financial statements, efficient cash management, and effective customer management. Investing in the best accounting software applications will streamline your accounting process and provide valuable insights to drive your business forward.


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Top Accounting Software Services

Zoho Books

Oracle Netsuite
